Dental and needle phobia
In this article we will be discussing how to overcome both dental and needle phobia, we acknowledge that both are common in the population, but we know we can help you overcome them!
Why do some of us become anxious when we know we need to go to the dentist, sometimes even simply for our routine appointments? Maybe, it is because you fear the thought of being told you need to have treatment and you are thinking that having a filling being placed or having a tooth removed painful? Maybe you or someone you know of has had a bad experience at the dentist previously which has led to you also feeling anxious and nervous. You are not alone; this is very common. However, here at The Bristol Dental Practice our experienced and diverse team is here to help you and provide a service that gives you the right support and professional dental care you need.
Trypanophobia– This is where some people have extreme fear of medical treatment that involves injections/needles and sometimes this is caused by anxiety, sensitive or negative temperament, trauma and/or fainting after blood has been taken.
This is another common reason many people avoid visiting the dentist as very often when we perform our treatments (like a filling/extraction) the dentist will apply a local anesthetic to numb the area so that you do not feel a thing! This does not mean it is going to be a painful procedure it just means that it minimises any discomfort, we also understand that needles can terrify some people and unfortunately this fear leads to dental treatments being avoided and/or postponed – leading to dental disease deteriorating.
How can we help you?
To help both our existing and new patients we like to offer them options that we know will help them complete their dental visits as comfortably as possible.
We can recommend a complimentary consultation with our friendly treatment coordinator who will be able to give you a warm introduction to our practice where you can both discuss available treatment options and what is involved in potential treatment outcomes, so you know what to expect before even making that first step and seeing the dentist!
If you are a new patient, we will book you in for an initial 1-hour consultation with one of our dentist’s which gives you the ample opportunity to meet them, discuss any concerns you have, and inform you of any other concerns they identify.
Do we offer anything that can help you go ahead with treatment?
Yes, we offer sedation. Sedation comes in different types and it really is dependent on that individual patient. We can tailor your treatment to your specific needs.
Wondering what sedation is?
Dental Sedation is usually given through your vein otherwise known as IV or intra-venous, but it can also be given by mouth, your nose or through a mask.
Here at The Bristol Dental Practice, we usually offer IV, but every patient is individual therefore depending on the patient we can also offer both intranasal and/or oral sedation.
What will this do to help you?
It helps to relax you and make you less anxious.
It prevents the need to have a general anesthetic which cannot be used in patient with certain medical conditions and avoid those undesirable side effects which also sometimes come along with receiving it.
It does not take long to perform sedation or for it to take effect, so you do not need to be worried about feeling more nervous about your treatment or clock watching.
It helps to reduce your anxiety levels thereby allowing you to receive your treatment in a both a comfortable and efficient manner with our experience team.
I am terrified of needles, is there an alternative?
Yes, we would recommend receiving either intranasal or oral sedation.
This is where the sedative medication solution is either applied through your nose or mixed with a drink and drank.
Can I speak to someone about sedation to understand more before having the treatment?
Yes, we will always book you in for a sedation consultation with one of our experienced clinicians to go over everything in detail. Or you may wish to speak first with one of our treatment coordinators in a non-clinical setting to first become comfortable with the practice and our environment.
Will I be awake and what will it feel like?
You will be conscious, but you will not feel or remember a thing! You will feel very drowsy and you will find that everything around you has slowed down. Your reflexes will be delayed and subdued, and so you will respond and react more slowly to physical stimuli or to conversation.
What is the recovery like?
After your dental treatment is complete you will need a family member or friend to collect you from the practice to take you home. You may still feel drowsy or tired and you will need to take the rest of the day off work. Sometimes this drowsiness can also extend over to the next day.
If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss sedation further why not book in for one of our complimentary consultations with our treatment coordinator today. If you call us on 0117 910 59 29 one of our friendly reception team can get that booked in for you.
Weekend opening!
We are open on Saturdays from 9am until 5pm and on Sundays from 10am until 4pm. These are slightly shorter working days than those we provide in the week but are always highly sought after by patients. Many people see the benefit of these appointments and we are proud to be able to offer them. Especially since no other dental practice in Bristol is even open on a Sunday!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!