Bone Grafts & Sinus Lifts For Dental ImplantsIf you have been missing teeth from your upper jaw for many years, you may think you are not suitable for dental implants. However, thanks to our advanced skills and techniques, we can help many patients in this situation with the aid of a procedure called a sinus lift. If you require dental implants in Bristol and you have low bone density then be sure to contact us today to arrange an initial consultation.

Sinus lift

Whether you’ve worn removable upper-arch dentures for a long time, or have had gaps in your mouth where teeth have been lost, it is likely that upper jawbone will have receded. This can give your face a sunken appearance, and make placing dental implants difficult. You may even have been told that this makes you unsuitable for implant treatment. But in our experience, many patients in this position can in fact still benefit from dental implants – they just need to have a sinus lift first.

A sinus lift is like a bone graft procedure, with the goal being to regenerate your bone to successfully receive dental implants. Sinus lifts makes use of the contours of your face and involves gently lifting the sinus membrane and placing osteoconductive material (material that facilitates bone growth) there to allow new bone to grow.

Before performing a sinus lift, we will carefully check that you are suitable for the procedure. We will carry out several tests, including a CT scan, because we will only carry out this procedure if it is safe to do so. So long as you are suitable for treatment, it will be carried out under local anaesthetic by your implant dentist Dr Jonathan Cochrane.

Although it is traditional to use bone from another site within a patient’s body, we prefer to use a calcium-based organic material (animal origin), which we find to be just as effective at supporting bone regeneration.

After a period of healing, you will be ready to receive your dental implants.


Are you interested in dental implants for missing teeth, but worried you may not have enough bone to support them? Perhaps you’ve been wearing removable dentures for many years, or have been told by another dentist that you’ve suffered bone loss, so aren’t suitable for implant treatment?

Dental implants

Don’t despair. In many cases, it is still possible for you to have successful dental implants. You may just need a procedure called a bone graft to rebuild your jawbone first. At our practice, Dr Jonathan Cochrane has carried out many bone grafting procedures, helping patients get the smile they deserve.

We appreciate that “bone grafting” sounds like a major procedure, but it’s not actually as invasive as it sounds. While in the past actual bone from a patient’s own chin, back of the mouth, or hip was used in bone grafting procedures, we have discovered that equally good results can be achieved using a calcium-based organic product. This is of animal origin and is very effective, and is what we use in all our bone grafting work.

If bone grafting is suitable in your case, Dr Jonathan Cochrane will skilfully and precisely place this calcium-based material in your jawbone, which can be done under sedation. The calcium material will mesh with the existing bone, providing a scaffold on which new cells will develop during bone regeneration. Often, a special membrane is used to protect the bone graft and help encourage this regeneration.

Your bone will then be left for a healing period while the regeneration takes place. Once this healing period is complete, you will be ready to receive your dental implants. In some cases, we will place more of the calcium-based materials around the implants to ensure that enough bone forms around them to support them, increasing your chances of successful treatment.


Has fear of the dentist caused you to neglect your teeth? If so, you are not alone; fear is the main reason UK patients given for putting off seeking dental treatment. Often, they stay away so long that their oral health starts to suffer, even in some cases losing teeth.


If this sounds familiar to you, you may be feeling trapped in a catch 22 situations. Some of your teeth may have fallen out, or they may be badly decayed, loose and painful. However, your fear of the dentist may still be preventing you seeking help, leaving you struggling with a smile you don’t want to show off and gaps in your mouth that affect your diet and even your speech. You’ve heard of dental implants and other tooth replacement solutions, and while you’d love to have your smile back you just can’t envisage yourself attending a dental appointment.

Dr Jonathan Cochrane can help. He is highly experienced in treating nervous and phobic patients – you can read many testimonials from nervous patients just like you for a first-hand account of how Dr Jonathan Cochrane has helped.

We offer treatment under sedation, which means you are awake and able to cooperate with the dentist, but largely unaware of treatment. You also won’t experience any pain. We have an in-house sedationist, Dr Jonathan Cochrane, who will sedate patients within safe guidelines, using IV sedation.

This will all be discussed at your initial implant consultation, where we will also fully discuss your sedation requirements. We will also provide you with a full, detailed treatment plan.

Don’t let fear stop you having the smile you deserve – contact us today to discuss how we can help nervous patients.


Each patient’s implant journey will be different, because every patient’s story is as individual as they are. However, there will be some similarities, and every journey will start in the same way – with an initial consultation with Dr Jonathan Cochrane.

Dr Jonathan Cochrane is a renowned implant surgeon, holding the respected MSc in Dental Implantology from the University of Bristol and continually advancing his skills, knowledge and training by attending a variety of courses.

You may be referred to us by your dentist or may contact us directly. Either way, we welcome you to your initial implant assessment.

Step 1 – Consultation and assessment

First, we’ll meet you face to face and discover whether dental implants are the best treatment for your case. Dr Jonathan Cochrane will take a detailed dental and medical history and will talk you through the implant process. Please ask any questions you may have at any time – we want you to be confident and comfortable with your treatment!

Dr Jonathan Cochrane will then examine you, taking photographs and x-rays as necessary, to help establish bone density. Don’t panic if you’ve previously been told you don’t have enough bone for dental implants; we may well still be able to help you with the aid of a bone graft.

So long as you are suitable for implant treatment, we will produce a treatment plan detailing timescales and projected costs.

Step 2 – If you have enough bone density

If you have enough bone to accept implants, we will book a convenient appointment time to place them. This can be done under local anaesthesia or IV sedation, depending on your preference. The length and number of appointments will vary depending on the number and type of implants you have placed.

Step 2 – If you require a bone graft or sinus lift

If your bone needs rebuilding, we may carry out a bone graft or sinus lift before placing implants. Bone grafting uses a non-human, animal, calcium-based organic material to mesh with your bone and provide a scaffold on which new cells will grow. Sinus lifts use the same principal for the upper jaw, gently lifting the sinus lining membrane and placing the synthetic material beneath, again to promote bone growth. After a healing period, implants are placed as above.

Step 3 – New teeth!

Your new teeth may be placed at the same time as your implants, or you may have a healing period of a few months first. This will vary from case to case and will depend on the type of implants you have. Replacement teeth in the form of secured dentures, bridges or crowns for single teeth are attached to the top of your implants. Hey presto, brand new, natural-looking, natural-acting teeth!

Step 4 – Aftercare

You’ve just got your new teeth – you want to look after them! Attend six-monthly check-ups at the practice and follow a strict oral healthcare regime at home. Also, come to see us straight away if you experience any problems. With proper aftercare, your new teeth can last you a lifetime.

If you feel that you have a low bone density but still require dental implants to enhance your smile then be sure to contact The Bristol Dental Practice today to arrange your initial consultation.