Important COVID-19 Information
Dear patient,
We are living through a very challenging time for many people and, as you can imagine, the Coronavirus outbreak represents a very unique challenge to us a dental practice.
As the situation has developed over the weekend and early this week, it is with great sadness we have taken the decision to temporarily close The Bristol Dental Practice for all non-emergency treatments and maintenance visits.
The latest advice from our dental regulators is to cease all but the most urgent emergency dental treatment until more is known about the risks to both you as patients, and us and our team.
We can still see you for emergency treatment.
We want to do our part and prevent our patients going to hospitals where staff are already under severe pressure and so we will continue to see you in the case of a genuine dental emergency unless you are showing any symptoms of coronavirus including cold/flu symptoms, a persistent cough or fever.
If you experience:
• Swelling
• Broken teeth which are sharp and causing pain
• Severe toothache
• Dental trauma
• Sharp wires, loose brackets etc. that are causing pain
please contact us by telephone and we will be in touch to triage you. If you need urgent dental treatment, we will contact you back during normal working hours.
Your continuing support of our team and the practice through your monthly payments for ongoing treatment will enable us to keep supporting our staff and ensure that we will be here for you when this crisis subsides.
We fully understand that many of our patients who are also small business owners, self-employed or have had their income cut by recent social distancing measures, will struggle to keep up their plans. If you are struggling, please drop us an email explaining your circumstances.
Please continue to check the website and our Facebook and Instagram pages for further and ongoing updates, and for daily updates on how you can continue to keep your dental and overall health in the best shape possible whilst at home.
We realise that our closure will be an inconvenience for many of you and as such we apologise, but at this stage of the coronavirus outbreak we feel that our emphasis has to be on keeping you and your loved ones safe, keeping our team healthy, and doing our bit to reduce social interaction and travel.
Please remember that we are still available to answer any questions that you might have via email or telephone.
Yours Sincerely,
The Bristol Dental Practice
In line with the recent advice and guidelines the practice will be closed for all routine treatments and will be open for emergency treatments only.
If you have a dental emergency, please call the practice on 0117 910 5929 to arrange an appointment before attending.
We will be operating reduced hours during this period.
Reduced Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00am to 2.00pm