Following updated legal advice regarding the provision of urgent dental treatment, we are now in a position to begin arranging face to face urgent care where appropriate.
We will be in touch with patients who have experienced a dental problem during lockdown who are on our priority list.
As we are sure you can appreciate the practice will be following an updated attendance policy in line with legislation and guidance. As such there are a number of changes for patients to be aware of:
– Patients can only be seen by appointment in order that we are able to maintain social distancing requirements within the practice.
– We will ask you to complete a verbal Covid Screening assessment and medical update before attending. Our team will brief you on the protocol & what to expect when you attend the practice.
– Occasionally, before attending a dentist may wish to have a telephone consultation with you to assess your problem in order to plan treatment before you attend.
– Please travel alone and avoid public transport if at all possible. We ask you to arrive on time, no more than five minutes before your scheduled appointment to minimise contact whilst socially distancing.
– On arrival, we ask you to knock & wait for a member of the team to greet you. Your temperature will be taken before entering the building using a no-touch thermometer. If your temperature is above 37.8°C, you will be unable to enter the practice and will be asked to return home and self-isolate as per current government guidelines.
– You will be asked to sanitise your hands on arrival and wear a surgical mask that we will provide.
– Payment for treatment should be made using a debit or credit card to allow a contactless transaction.
All dental staff will be using personal protective equipment in line with current recommendations and evidence.
We apologise in advance for the necessary reduction in social interaction that this will necessitate. Whilst our PPE may make us appear impersonal and distant, please be assured we are still the same friendly team underneath it all!
If we feel that you are at risk of having possibly been infected, even if you are asymptomatic, we will respectfully request you to delay booking any appointments with us for at least one month.
If you are a patient in a vulnerable group, are self-isolating, or are shielding at present you should continue to do so but please do contact us for advice if you have a dental problem.
We will, of course, be in touch with all our patients due dental examinations as soon as we are able to provide routine services.
If you are an existing or new patient and require an appointment or simply need help or advice please contact the practice.
Thank you all for your patience and continued support.
The Bristol Dental Practice Team