Veneers In Bristol By The Bristol Dental Practice
If you have been contemplating cosmetic treatments for your teeth then you will probably know at least something about veneers and the trivial knowledge about them. For many, veneers are one of the best things that they have done, whereas with others it might not be the most ideal choice for their particular scenario. Speaking with a cosmetic consultant usually helps you find if you are suitable for this sort of treatment.
If you would like to speak to a cosmetic consultant about possible treatments then call our consultants on 0117 910 5929. You can also visit our page on: Veneer Cost Bristol for more information.
Are Veneers For You?
The usual patients who undergo a veneer treatment usually pertain to certain types of scenarios, as a veneer is good for a range of corrective and cosmetic reasons such as:
- Chips
- Gaps between teeth
- Minor misalignment
- Discoloration
- Cracked Tooth/Teeth
There are also some health requirements in order for you to be suitable for a veneer treatment:
- Have good periodontal and overall oral health
- Be dedicated to good oral care and hygiene
- Have a sufficient amount of healthy enamel, as dentists usually remove a thin layer of enamel before placing veneers
- Have realistic expectations from the treatment
What Are Veneers?
Veneers are usually made out of porcelain, using a thin shell of a ceramic material that is attached to the front of the tooth effectively giving the tooth a new face. The medical grade ceramic that are bonded to the front of the tooth are hand moulded to make sure that the new teeth faces are bespoke to the shape of your gums and mouth. The amount of problems or corrections that veneers can be used for is impressive since they are able to correct a lot of cosmetic issues one may have.
There may be a chance that Veneers might not be the right choice for you since they do need the ideal environment in which to have them treated. Patients with tooth decay, gum disease or any sort of infection do not warrant veneers since these conditions are too detrimental to the treatment as they can cause adverse effects and results when carrying out and waiting for the treatment to cure. You can go through a period of treatment where a dentist can successfully treat them in which you will subsequently qualify for veneers once any anterior condition has been solved. If you are considering porcelain/ceramic veneers then you should remind yourself that the process is permanent. This means you have to be absolutely certain you want to endeavor in a treatment as extensive as this since there is genuinely no turning back.
For those who grind their teeth, veneers may also be out of the question since ceramic can chip under constant stress. Ceramic is very strong but if worn out over time then ceramics can be subject to chipping and actual cracking. Dental porcelain is made to be incredibly durable but alternate forms of stress can damage them beyond conventional repair.
Determining Validity
Like we said before, the only way you can really find out if you are suitable for a veneer treatment is to have a word with a cosmetic dental consultant, as they will be able to determine whether or not mitigating circumstances will stop you from receiving an extensive veneer treatment. Through consultation, the consultant will refer to a dentist and they will come to a decision on either a plan of action for your treatment, or alternate treatments if these dental items are not suitable for you. Then the patient can be told so he or she can make an informed decision on the treatment they would like to proceed with if they cannot receive veneer treatments.
How Long Do Veneers Last For?
Ceramic/porcelain is very strong, so under normal stresses and use, veneers can last 10 years or more before they need possible replacement or at least “repairs”. Veneers only need replacing if they are causing issue, so if they are fine then you are able to keep your veneers forever!
If you are considering a veneer treatment then consider enquiring with The Bristol Dental Practice . Visit our page on Veneers Treatments In Bristol to get more information or call us on: 0117 910 5929 to speak to a consultant today!